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Woman Holding Cigarette

Do you want to stop smoking? Let our tobaccologist assist you throughout the smoking cessation process!
Smoking cessation counseling by a tobaccologist gives you 3 to 4 times the chance to get rid of your smoking addiction.


During the intake interview we examine together what the expectations are and draw up a smoking profile. You get information about the physical, psychological and behavioral aspects of the smoking addiction and about possible aids and useful tips. Everyone gets a customized approach without any pressure. 


Did you know that quitting smoking ...
... after 20 minutes results in a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure.
... after 12 hours results in a normalization of blood CO levels.
... after 12 weeks results in a decrease in the risk of heart attack and lung function improves.
... after 1-9 months results in the disappearance of smoker's cough.
... after 1 year results in halving the risk of coronary heart disease.
... after 5 years results in the risk of stroke equal to that of a nonsmoker.
... after 10 years results in a halving of the risk of lung cancer.
... after 15 years results in the risk of cardiovascular disease equal to that of a nonsmoker.


You live in Flanders:
You are entitled to 48 points annually when reimbursing smoking cessation counseling by a tobacco specialist. 
The intervention applies to a total of maximum 4 hours of individual supervision or 12 hours of group supervision. 
Points are deducted when you receive guidance from a tobacco specialist. You can ask your tobaccologist how many points you still have.


Individual guidance: €7.5 per 15 minutes. 

If you have an increased allowance, you pay €1 per quarter of an hour.


You live in Brussels or Wallonia:
You are entitled to 8 reimbursed consultations over the course of 2 calendar years. 
Pregnant women are entitled to a maximum of 8 sessions per pregnancy.
The first consultation lasts 45 minutes, the 7 follow-up sessions each 30 minutes.
To benefit from a refund, you must consult a doctor in Brussels or Wallonia or a registered tobaccologist and be affiliated with a health insurance fund.


How much you will be reimbursed depends on your personal situation:

  • 30 euros for the first session

  • 20 euros for the next seven sessions

  • 30 euros for pregnant women (a pregnancy certificate must be added to the certificate of assistance provided or the billing document)

After the smoking cessation counseling with the doctor or tobacco specialist, you must send the following documents to the health insurance fund:

  • the signed care certificate, if the smoking cessation guidance is provided by a recognized tobacco specialist who is a health care provider (e.g. general practitioner, nurse, etc.)

  • the signed invoice, if the smoking cessation counseling is provided by a recognized tobacco specialist who is not a healthcare provider (e.g. psychologist)

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