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Kenny Herremans

Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer

Who am I?

Sports has always been my passion. Ever since I was a child I was always involved in sports, both at home and in a club. Also at school in PE lessons and on the playground I always had to be able to move. It is therefore no surprise that 'Bachelor in exercise education and exercise recreation' was the course I was going to follow at Leuven University. However, I was still hungry after this training; helping people to feel better mentally and physically was my goal. To satisfy that hunger, I followed a training 'Fitness Instructor B', after which I started working as a Personal Coach.

I am a big proponent of continuous learning. As a result, I followed various international training courses in, among others, Dubai, Spain, England and Germany. I also hope to continue to do this.

In addition to my work as a Personal Coach, I am also a Physical Education teacher in a primary school and of course I also do a lot of sports myself. I play football on a recreational level and I regularly go cycling and running.












Bachelor of secondary education - option exercise recreation and sports management (KHLeuven)

Fitness Instructor and sports carer (Syntra Hasselt)

Precision Nutrition Level 1 (Precision Nutrition)

Metabolic Analytics (Strength Sensei Inc. - Charles Poliquin)

Essentials of Program Design (Strength Sensei Inc. - Charles Poliquin)

The Essentials of Healthy Nutrition (Physical Coaching Academy - Dan Hunter) 

How to train Women (Ultimate Performance)

Program Design (YPSI - Wolfgang Unsöld)

The Principles of Proper Program Design (Christian Thibaudeau)

Myofascial Release Techniques (Peter Lündgren) 

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