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Kim Pauwels

Orthomolecular therapist


Who am I?

I am Kim, passionate about all things health, nutrition and sports.


In my spare time I enjoy walking, cycling, swimming,… I like any form of exercise, preferably in the open air and a bit adventurous. Of course this includes the appropriate food and I like to spend time in the kitchen and vegetable garden, but also in the supermarket, looking for new ingredients and recipes.


After a PhD in Biomedical Sciences and work experience in the pharmaceutical sector, I started to study the effects of food on the body. During the Orthomolecular Healthcare training I learned what role molecules from food (such as vitamins and minerals) play and how they can be used to stay or become healthy.


Because of my interest in sports, I quickly saw the connections with sports nutrition, in which molecules such as minerals and electrolytes play a major role. During an additional training in sports nutrition, I learned to convert exercise tests and training schedules into appropriate nutritional advice for athletes at all levels.


As a nutrition coach I can combine all my passions and interests. I base my approach in the first place on my scientific knowledge, but I also use my creativity in the search for an appropriate and individual solution and advice based on natural food and/or nutritional supplements.


2022 - 2023

2020 - 2022

2012 - 2017

2007 - 2012

Sports nutrition training (AP Hogeschool Antwerp)

Postgraduate Orthomolecular Healthcare (ICZO)

PhD Biomedical Sciences (KULeuven)

Master Biomedical Sciences (KULeuven)

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